I\'m trying to use a ScrollPanel of GWT in a page. Since most of the contents are in the ScrollPanel, I want it to take an as-large-as-possible part of the page and resize a
First, ScrollPanel is something not acting as other widget for reason I don't know why. Cannot set relative size (50%), and if I give it some style, it's lost somewhere and cannot be found from page.
My solution is to use a ResizeLayoutPanel. Andrei suggested using something ProvidesResize but requires the provide / require resize chain remain unbroken, which can be very tricky. I found this ResizeLayoutPanel "ProvidesResize to its one child, but does not RequiresResize", which is the perfect candidate for the root panel of my composite. Then, I just extend the ScrollPanel to resize itself in the "onResize" method whenever it's called by the parent ResizeLayoutPanel.
Still no answer to my first question: by ScrollPanel behave like this in the first place? I tried to find answer in its source code but was not successful (though I didn't spend enough time studying the source code).
public class My100PctScrollPanel extends ScrollPanel {
public void onResize() {
// Window.alert("on resize");
compositeRoot = new ResizeLayoutPanel();
scrollPanel = new My100PctScrollPanel();