A picture is worth a thousand words. Let\'s say in one sheet I have the following table:
Using VBA:
For Each xx In Range("A:A")
If xx.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
Range("G1").Offset(xx.Value, 0) = xx.Value
For e = 1 To 99
If Range("G1").Offset(xx.Value, e) = "" Then
Range("G1").Offset(xx.Value, e) = xx.Offset(0, 1).Value
Exit For
End If
The table it's created from column "G". If you want another sheet:
Sheets(2).Range("G1: ...
add the Sheets before ...
Without VBA, following the scheme:
Adding the formulas:
M2 -> =IFERROR(MATCH(L2;$A$1:$A$8;);"")
N2 -> =IFERROR(MATCH(L2;INDIRECT("$A" & (M2+1) & ":$A$8");)+M2;"")
O2 -> =IFERROR(MATCH(L2;INDIRECT("$A" & (N2+1) & ":$A$8");)+N2;"")
P2 -> =IFERROR(INDEX($B$1:$B$8;M2);"") Autocomplete also columns to R
and Autocomplete ...