I have a 2 item list.
Sample inputs:
[\'19(1,B7)\', \'20(1,B8)\']
[\'16 Hyp\', \'16 Hyp\']
[\'< 3.2\', \'38.3302615548213\']
values = ['> 10000', '5398.38770002321']
print [filter(lambda s: s in '0123456789.', v) for v in values]
['10000', '5398.38770002321']
List of strings, as requested.
And to make it a function:
def parse_number(value):
return [filter(lambda s: s in '0123456789.', v) for v in values]
print parse_number(values)
As an added bonus, making this accept negative numbers would be as easy as adding a hyphen to the whitelisted string '0123456789.-'