Has anyone ever tried sending emails using 1&1 smtp host? I tried the following?
SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient(\"smtp.1and1.com\", 587);
My client has a new hosting from 1and1.com, and the thing that worked for me was to remove the port number and it working. 1and1 provided me a reference link http://help.1and1.com/hosting-c37630/scripts-and-programming-languages-c85099/aspnet-c39624/send-an-e-mail-using-aspnet-a604246.html
My code:
SmtpClient objSmtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.1and1.com");
objSmtp.EnableSsl = true;
objSmtp.Credentials = new
System.Net.NetworkCredential("mail@email.org", "PWD");