I wrote a function that should reverse a list.
So far, I can reverse only two items, but no more. I checked and double checked and still can\'t find the problem. I e
Your code is close, it is returning early.
List::ListNode *List::Reverse_List(ListNode *head)
ListNode *cur = head;
ListNode *forward = NULL;
ListNode *previous = NULL;
while (cur != NULL) {
//There is no need to use head here, cur will suffice
//head = cur; //set the head to last node
forward = cur->next; //save the next pointer in forward
cur->next = previous; //change next to previous
previous = cur;
cur = forward;
cout << "cur= " << cur->item << endl; //this is just to display the current value of cur
//don't return here you have only adjusted one node
//return head;
//at this point cur is NULL, but previous still holds the correct node
return previous;