Hi I am new in Haskell and I came across an interesting problem but I was not really sure on how I would go about solving it. I am about to show you only two parts of the qu
First, you need a way to break some large number into digits.
digits :: Integral x => x -> [x]
digits 0 = []
digits x = digits (x `div` 10) ++ [x `mod` 10]
Which gives you...
Prelude> digits 12345
You can then drop the last digit with init
Prelude> (init . digits) 12345
The a helper function to map
over odd elements in a list.
mapOdd _ [] = []
mapOdd f (x:[]) = [f x]
mapOdd f (x:y:rest) = f x : y : mapOdd f rest
Giving you...
Prelude> mapOdd (+10) [1..10]
And a function to get back to a large number...
undigits = sum . zipWith (*) [10^n | n <- [0..]] . reverse
Resulting in...
Prelude> undigits [1, 2, 3, 4]
And putting it all together
Prelude> undigits . mapOdd (*2) . init . digits $ 12345
In functional languages particularly, always try to solve a problem by composing solutions to smaller problems :)