I have extracted eyes and mouth from the face, but want to extract emotions from eyes and mouth.. However, mouth is not detected properly.. This is my code..
i have divided face area in 2 rectangles top and bottom..and applied bottom rectangle to gray.ROI. and it works.. this is the code for both rectangles..
int halfheight = facesnap.Height/2;
int start = facesnap.X;
int start1 = facesnap.Y;
Rectangle top = new Rectangle(start,start1,facesnap.Width,halfheight);
int start2 = top.Bottom;
Rectangle bottom = new Rectangle(start, start2, facesnap.Width, halfheight);
nextFrame.Draw(bottom, new Bgr(Color.Yellow), 2);
//Set the region of interest on the faces
gray.ROI = bottom;
MCvAvgComp[][] mouthsDetected = gray.DetectHaarCascade(mouth,
1.1, 10,
new Size(20, 20));