I have a simple angular2 (rc1) component which subscribes to a service. When the service updates the subscription, I can log the result in the component\'s subscription bu
It looks like _uploaderService
runs outside Angulars zone. Angular won't detect changes when values are changed from outside its zone.
To make the code to run inside the zone use
constructor(private _uploaderService: UploaderService, private zone:NgZone) {
// view correctly shows this value:
this.successMessage.serverMessage = 'before ';
this.subscription = _uploaderService.fileSuccess$.subscribe(result => {
// this fires and logs the result correctly:
console.log('the mini uploader: type of result', result);
// view is never updated here
this.zone.run(() => this.successMessage = result);
There are also other ways to notify Angular about changes Manual Change Detection in AngularJS or Angular 2?
If there is additional code run like when router.navigate()
is called outside the zone, only zone.run(...)
will properly solve the issue - except when there is a way to make your service run inside Angulars zone in the first place.