I\'m not sure why I\'m getting this error. I think the code in general is okay although I\'m sure there is a shorter way then using all the else ifs. The problem is it says
is of type String while the single quotes around a character (as in 'a'
) makes it a character literal. Strings cannot be assigned, or compared to a, character. That's the reason.
There are two kinds of problems in the code.
1. `R2D2= lineOne.charAt(i); // a character being assigned to a String variable`
Solution: R2D2 = Character.toString(lineOne.charAt(i));
2. `if (R2D2== 'a'|| R2D2=='A')` //strings being compared with char literals.
Solution: if (R2D2.equals("a")|| R2D2.equals("A"))
FYI, To improved the maintenance you can also do.