Short question - how do you define your view models?
Here are some of the options:
Basically - it's all about separating responsibilities.
More you separate them - more verbose, complex but easier to understand it gets.
public class foo{
string Name{get;set}
Bar Bar {get;set;}
string SomethingThatIsUneccessaryInViews {get;set;}
public class bar{
string Name {get;set;}
public class fizz{
string Name{get;set;}
Presenter (i admit - still haven't got idea of MVP completely):
public someSpecificViewPresenter{
fizz fizz{get;set;}
foo foo{get;set;}
necessaryThingsForWhatever[] necessaryThingsForWhatever{get;set;}
public void someLogicIfNeeded(){...}
magic object2object mapping & flattening, viewmodel modelmetadata configuration goes here...
ViewModel (NB=>POCOS with container props only. No logic should go here.):
public class fooViewModel{
string Name {get;set;}
string BarName {get;set;}
public class fizzViewModel{
string Name {get;set;}
public class someSpecificView{
fooViewModel foo {get;set;}
fizzViewModel fizz {get;set;}
whateverViewModel whatever {get;set;}
and here goes "das happy ending"...
Our foo:
Our fizz:
And yes, i use same model for GET/POST. See this for more why/ifs.
But lately - I'm looking for other solutions. CQRS buzz catch my eye.