I am trying to collect the date, title, and content from the newspaper (the new york times).
Date and title I got, but the full article I couldn\'t able to. Below i
You are observing only the first page of search. Where you have the list of articles. To get the content of article you have to send request to the article and fetch content from there.
Here I am fetching Title, Author, Publish Date, Content and storing them in a list. From that list we can create a DataFrame later, if required.
newyork_times_list = []
for a in search_results.find_all('a', href=True):
newyork_times = {}
page_url = "https://www.nytimes.com" + a['href']
newyork_times['URL'] = page_url
# Invoke URL
page = requests.get(page_url)
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml')
# Title
newyork_times['Title'] = page_soup.find('title').text
# Content
page_content = ''
page_soup_div = page_soup.find_all("div", {"class":"StoryBodyCompanionColumn"})
for p_content in page_soup_div:
page_content = page_content + p_content.text
# Content
newyork_times['Content'] = page_content
# Date Time
page_soup_span = page_soup.find_all("time")
newyork_times['Publish Date'] = page_soup_span[0].text
# Author
page_soup_span = page_soup.find_all("span", {"itemprop": "name"})
newyork_times['Author'] = page_soup_span[0].text
print('Processed', page_url)
print('ERROR!', page_url)