When I try to run my iOS App in Xcode in app:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Container
Without knowing exactly how you have your project set up, it's difficult to give exact advice. The first thing you should do is checkout out the README of Alamofire. It has great explanations for manual set up, CocoaPods and Carthage. You should most likely be able to solve your problem that way.
If you still cannot figure it out, then let me take a guess. You're obviously not using CocoaPods, so you are either using Carthage or manual installation. Either way, you certainly need to Embed Binary
as @Dato' pointed out. The other thing you may have missed is that you need to Embed Framework
so that the dyld can pick up the Alamofire.framework at runtime.
Hopefully that helps shed some light. If it doesn't, please provide some additional information to give us a better context.