What\'s my function\'s problem? I want to read the response from my webservice but I just receive an error.
The browser message is:
Cip was on the right path - you need to make the response JSON, and then properly access the JSON on the client side. Your ASMX method should look like this:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat=ResponseFormat.Json)] // <--- To make it JSON
public string GetCompanyInfo(string id)
return "aaa"; //never call "ToString()" on a string...
And your client side JS success function should access the data like this (you need to access the d
property for JSON generated by ASP.Net):
function OnSuccess(data, status) {
SetMainBody(data.d); //"d" is the js object representation of the return
//value from the web method. In your case it's just
//a string, but it could be a more complex object
//or an array
When you call the method via ajax, you should pass in the right arguments as well. Something like:
data: "{'id':'" + companyID + "'}",