I have a timer for my project, each time it decrements by 1 second. But if the counter starts working for the second time it gets decremented by 2 seconds and for the third
(Just as I posted this I notice that you have know accepted the above answer and seemed to have removed your 'its not working' comment for the answer from @Firoze Lafeer. But I will leave this here any way.)
Running the code below as a test I do not get your issue. And even when I did not invalidate I just got multiple outputs in the log.
Instead of seeing what is going on by looking at what the textfield in the app is doing. Try and use logging as I have below to see if that gives you a better idea of what is happening.
-(IBAction)runTimer:(id)sender { // attached to a button
[self invalidateTimer];
count=15; //timer set as 15 seconds
//for decrementing timer
countimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0f
-(void)updateCounter:(NSTimer *)theTimer {
count -= 1;
NSLog (@"count =@%d", count);
if(count==0) // alert for time expiry
[self invalidateTimer];
-(void)invalidateTimer {
if ([countimer isValid]) {
[countimer invalidate];
NSLog(@"countimer invalidated ");
countimer = nil;