I am making admin portal, where admin can see the total number of current booking, for this we have to refresh table every 10 sec automatically and there wi
Change your jQuery:
$(".data-contacts-js tbody").append( /*This nests properly in html*/
and before your
remember to remove all the children :)
$(".data-contacts-js tbody").empty();
If you then want to use exactly the same code to run (on a refresh, not just a fetch) with an abort:
var getDataTimeoutId = null,
refetchTime = 10 /* time in seconds */
isFetching = false,
getData = function(){
if (isFetching) {return;}
if (getDataTimeoutId !== null){
getDataTimeoutId = null;
isFetching = true;
/* ajax get */
setDataTimeout(); /* Only auto re-get if there wasn't an error */
isFetching = false; /* always clear the status */
setDataTimeout = function(){
getDataTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(function(){
}, refetchTime * 1000);
This means that the code will run every 10s, or a click. But won't hammer the server for multiple pending requests.