How can i add wcf service at runtime in my winform UI. I created a wcf service which return running processes of hosted machine. I want to add the hosted machine service in
You need to change endpoints dynamically at runtime, so You need WCF Discovery.
Structure :
WCF Consumer(s) <---> WCF Discovery Service <---> WCF Service(s)
Implementation :
Topology :
Notes :
Solving IIS-Hosted 5/6 Issue :
So that you can start your IIS-Hosted 5/6 services manually without being invoked for the first time
You can also use WCF Routing Service.
Don't go far for a Serverless ( No-BackBone, No-BootleNeck, Fully-Distributed, .. etc ) ideal topology, this'll blowup your head and got you crazy :D
For a beginner, I suggest you this tutorial [ WCF Tutorials ]