Potentially a very silly question--
Is it possible to customize Akka/Scala actors such that you control the threads that are used by the actors? e.g. can you initial
I tried to understand it myself, but seams that guys in Akka don't want thread management to be exposed to public.
ThreadPoolConfig - the class that is responsible for creation of ExecutorService instances is a case class with method createExecutorService() declared final!
final def createExecutorService(threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorService = {
flowHandler match {
case Left(rejectHandler) ⇒
val service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(...)
case Right(bounds) ⇒
val service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(...)
new BoundedExecutorDecorator(service, bounds)
So, I don't see an easy ways to provide your own ExecutorService.