I have all of the libraries (libopus.dll and libsodium.dll), I have FFMPEG and an audio file in my execution path, but still the bot immediately disconnects after joining th
These are a few things I pulled from the official Discord API guild.
Windows 64-bit: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/natives/vnext_natives_win32_x64.zip
Windows 32-bit: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/natives/vnext_natives_win32_x86.zip
FFmpeg for Windows: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/natives/index.html#ffmpeg-for-windows
Other OSes:
GNU/Linux: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/articles/vnext_setup.html#gnulinux-1
OS X: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/articles/vnext_setup.html#mac-os-x-1
FreeBSD: https://dsharpplus.emzi0767.com/articles/vnext_setup.html#freebsd
Note for D.NET users: You need to rename libopus.dll to opus.dll before use, otherwise audio client will still complain about missing libraries.