I want to run Oracle Forms standalone without any web-browser with java plugin.
Is there a way to call a compiled .fmx
form directly via some java application o
Inofficial contradiction: Yes, it's possible :-)
Oracle support says it is officially not supported, but you can use Web Start (again not supported by Oracle).
Support recommended this link: http://groundside.com/blog/JanCarlin.php?title=forms_and_java_web_start and our developers tried and succeeded. You can run it as local application without need of a web browser (looks like an applet without browser window around).
Update (2013-01-18): The blog seems to have moved/old entries vanished. See here at archive.org for original article: http://web.archive.org/web/20090303153527/http://groundside.com/blog/JanCarlin.php?title=forms_and_java_web_start&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1