I‘ve been working on a query using LINQ but I’ve run into a snag with a dynamic where clause. I want to check for a condition and if true then add that where to my query.
Your query is good candidate for trying my recent custom extension method posted to "Nullable object must have a value" exception after checking for null on a non-primitive/non-struct object.
The idea is simple. You build your dynamic criteria directly inside the query, and the method converts it as if you used if
var query = (from project in db.ProjMasters
join pd in db.ProjDetails on project.ProjMasterID equals pd.ProjMasterID
join dc in db.DivCodes on project.DivisionCode equals dc.DivCode1
join ec in db.EmpCodes on project.ProjManager equals ec.UserNm
join ptc in db.ProjTypeCodes on pd.ProjTypeCode equals ptc.ProjTypeCode1
join psc in db.ProjStatusCodes on pd.ProjStatusCode equals psc.ProjStatusCode1
where pd.ProjDeleteDate == null
&& (sProjType == null || ptc.TypeDesc == sProjType)
&& (sTitle == null || project.Title.Contains(sTitle))
orderby project.Title
select new
P.S. Here is the source code of the used method in case something happens with the link:
public static class QueryableExtensions
public static IQueryable ReduceConstPredicates(this IQueryable source)
var reducer = new ConstPredicateReducer();
var expression = reducer.Visit(source.Expression);
if (expression == source.Expression) return source;
return source.Provider.CreateQuery(expression);
class ConstPredicateReducer : ExpressionVisitor
private int evaluateConst;
private bool EvaluateConst { get { return evaluateConst > 0; } }
private ConstantExpression TryEvaluateConst(Expression node)
try { return Visit(node) as ConstantExpression; }
catch { return null; }
finally { evaluateConst--; }
protected override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression node)
if (EvaluateConst || node.Type == typeof(bool))
var operandConst = TryEvaluateConst(node.Operand);
if (operandConst != null)
var result = Expression.Lambda(node.Update(operandConst)).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return Expression.Constant(result, node.Type);
return EvaluateConst ? node : base.VisitUnary(node);
protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node)
if (EvaluateConst || node.Type == typeof(bool))
var leftConst = TryEvaluateConst(node.Left);
if (leftConst != null)
if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.AndAlso)
return (bool)leftConst.Value ? Visit(node.Right) : Expression.Constant(false);
if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.OrElse)
return !(bool)leftConst.Value ? Visit(node.Right) : Expression.Constant(true);
var rightConst = TryEvaluateConst(node.Right);
if (rightConst != null)
var result = Expression.Lambda(node.Update(leftConst, node.Conversion, rightConst)).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return Expression.Constant(result, node.Type);
return EvaluateConst ? node : base.VisitBinary(node);
protected override Expression VisitConditional(ConditionalExpression node)
if (EvaluateConst || node.Type == typeof(bool))
var testConst = TryEvaluateConst(node.Test);
if (testConst != null)
return Visit((bool)testConst.Value ? node.IfTrue : node.IfFalse);
return EvaluateConst ? node : base.VisitConditional(node);
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
if (EvaluateConst || node.Type == typeof(bool))
var expressionConst = node.Expression != null ? TryEvaluateConst(node.Expression) : null;
if (expressionConst != null || node.Expression == null)
var result = Expression.Lambda(node.Update(expressionConst)).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return Expression.Constant(result, node.Type);
return EvaluateConst ? node : base.VisitMember(node);
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node)
if (EvaluateConst || node.Type == typeof(bool))
var objectConst = node.Object != null ? TryEvaluateConst(node.Object) : null;
if (objectConst != null || node.Object == null)
var argumentsConst = new ConstantExpression[node.Arguments.Count];
int count = 0;
while (count < argumentsConst.Length && (argumentsConst[count] = TryEvaluateConst(node.Arguments[count])) != null)
if (count == argumentsConst.Length)
var result = Expression.Lambda(node.Update(objectConst, argumentsConst)).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return Expression.Constant(result, node.Type);
return EvaluateConst ? node : base.VisitMethodCall(node);