I am trying to send List of Items to JSP by setting them in a session. I am using Spring controller here.
List- l = new ArrayList
- ();
You must first understand the difference between Value Type and Reference Type in Java , check the following link StackOverflow
let me give you a simple example of Value Type
MAIN.java :
class Main{
public static void main(String [] args){
C1 obj1 = new C1();
class C1{
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
public C1(){
void increment(){
System.out.println("incrementing a and b");
new C2().inc(a,b);
void print(){
System.out.println("Value of a "+ a);
System.out.println("Value of b "+ b);
class C2{
void inc(int a, int b){
Value of a 10
Value of a 20
incrementing a and b
Value of a 10
Value of a 20
The value of int a
and int b
in C1 class
was not incremented because in is a primitive type
in java(which happens to be a value type)
A real world example to value type can be as follows :
If I give you photo copy of my mark sheet and if you scribble on it nothing will happen to original mark sheet because it is a copy of my mark sheet similarly when you pass the variable int a and int b , copy of those variables is sent to the inc function hence it doesnot increment the original value in int a
and int b
of class C1
let us see an example for reference type
MAIN.java :
class Main{
public static void main(String [] args){
C1 obj1 = new C1();
class C1{
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
public C1(){
void print(){
System.out.println("Value of a "+ a);
System.out.println("Value of b "+ b);
class C2{
public static void inc(C1 obj1){
Value of a 10
Value of a 20
incrementing a and b
Value of a 11
Value of a 21
here the original value of int a and int b is incremented , because the reference to that object is passed
When we say C1 obj1 = new C1();
the key word new makes an object of class C1
on the heap memory and the reference to that object is stored in variable obj1
of type C1
, obj1
is not the object it is a handle to the Object of C1
created in heap, so when we pass obj1
to inc(C1 obj1)
in class C2
we pass the handle of the object not the object , the object is in the heap
So this is not the copy of the object but the original object is passed because of the handle obj1(with ref to real world eg given earlier)
Answer to the main question
List- l = new ArrayList
- ();
session.setAttribute("fisrt_item_list", l);
here you set the ArrayList object
in the session object
,but object is not literally stored in the session object , the handle to the object of Arraylist is stored in the session object , so when a value is deleted from the Arraylist object it is reflected in the session object because your session object holds the handle to the Arraylist object which is still pointing to the same object on the heap from which the value is deleted
Note : One object holding the reference to another object is Called Object Composition , do check this link StackOverflow