I\'m using the following powershell script to open a few thousand HTML files and \"save as...\" Word documents.
param([string]$htmpath,[string]$docpath = $d
Based on our comments above, it seems that moving the files is all you want to accomplish. The following works for me. In the current directory, it replaces .txt extensions with .py extensions. I found the command here.
PS C:\testing dir *.txt | Move-Item -Destination {[IO.Path]::ChangeExtension( $_.Name, "py")}
You can also change *.txt
to C:\path\to\file\*.txt
so you don't need to execute this line from the location of the files. You should be able to define a destination in a similar manner, so I'll report back if I find a simple way to do that.
Also, I found Microsoft's TechNet Library while I was searching. It has many tutorials on scripting using PowerShell. Files and Folders, Part 3: Windows PowerShell should help you to find additional info on copying and moving files.