The javascript example for \"search by keyword\" that is given at the google developers page isn\'t working for me.
Thanks so much jlmcdonald for your help. It took me a while to figure out the second part of your response, but I finally had success. The following html gets the example on the google developers webpage to work. Note though, at first I was getting a 401 error. To fix it, I had to go to the google developers console and select my project. Then, APIs&auth->consent screen and then fill in the email address and product name:
This application requires access to your YouTube account.
Please authorize to continue.
As you noted in your response, oAuth2 isn't necessary for a simple keyword search. The following is some html that just uses the API key. I didn't reference the two .js files like before, rather, I just included the script in the html. Your post at is undefined? really helped me figure it out:
Now that I got the search part, could you explain how I can display the thumbnails and titles of the results and then when I click them, the video opens in an embedded player on the same page? Thanks.