Suppose you have an graph that you\'ve made from an edgelist, and there are a couple hundred vertices. What I\'m looking to do is to identify the initial set of vertices fro
enter code hereThe solution of G5W fails if the graph contains a self-loop. An alternative approach:
g =, 20, type="gnm", directed=TRUE)
rts <- V(g)[degree(g, mode=c("in"), loops = F) == 0] # find roots, that is, in-degree is zero
paste(c("Roots: ", rts), collapse=" ")
plot(g, layout=layout_with_sugiyama(g)$layout) # plot graph in layers
g2 <- simplify(g, remove.loops = T, remove.multiple = T) # reduce to simple graph without loops
stopifnot(max(clusters(g2, mode=c("strong"))$csize) == 1) # stop when cycles
E(g2)$weight <- -1 # shortest path is longest negative
dis <- (-distances(g2, mode="in") ) # matrix VxV of depth of layers, depth from top to bottom
lay = as.matrix(apply(dis, 1, max)) # maximum of distances in successors
as.matrix(apply(-distances(g2, mode="out"), 1, max)) # or reverse from bottom to top
plot(g, layout=layout_with_sugiyama(g, layer=lay)$layout)