Please help me make regular expression for positive decimal number with 0, 1 or 2 decimal places. It must allow comma and dot. For example it must allow:
This will do what you want.
I've added whitespace and comments and parentheses to clarify it:
( #
( 0*[1-9]\d* ) # a non-zero integer portion, followed by
( [\.,]\d{1,2} )? # an optional fraction of 1 or 2 decimal digits
) #
| # OR
( #
( 0+ ) # a zero integer portion, followed by
( # an mandatory non-zero 1-2 digit fraction, consisting of
[\.,] # a decimal point
( # followed by
( 0[1-9] ) # a 0 followed by a 1-9,
| # OR
( [1-9]\d? ) # a 1-9 followed by an optional decimal digit
The regular expression is suboptimal it something like 0000000000.01 will backtrack when it doesn't find a non-zero digit following the zeros in the integer portion, but it should work.