I have a page with several google charts on it, mostly combo charts and line charts. For instance:
chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(chartDiv);
According to the documentation getVAxisValue
function has the following signature:
getVAxisValue(position, optional_axis_index)
Returns the logical vertical value at position, which is an offset from the chart container's top edge. Can be negative.
.Call this after the chart is drawn.
Return Type:
Since your goal is to read the maximum values off of the axes and then redraw the charts so that they all have the same maximum values on their axes, i would suggest the following solution
calculate min/max values of google.visualization.DataTable
function calcMinMax(data, colIndex)
var totalMin = data.getValue(0,colIndex);
var totalMax = data.getValue(0,colIndex);
for(var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfRows();i++){
if ( data.getValue(i, colIndex) < totalMin ) {
totalMin = data.getValue(i, colIndex);
if ( data.getValue(i, colIndex) > totalMax ) {
totalMax = data.getValue(i, colIndex);
return {'min': totalMin, 'max': totalMax };
and set viewWindow
var vAxisMinMax = calcMinMax(data,1);
options.vAxis = {'viewWindow': {'min': vAxisMinMax.min, 'max': vAxisMinMax.max}};
google.load('visualization', '1', { packages: ['corechart', 'line'] });
function drawBasic() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('number', 'X');
data.addColumn('number', 'Dogs');
[0, 5], [1, 10], [2, 23], [3, 17], [4, 18], [5, 9],
[6, 11], [7, 27], [8, 33], [9, 40], [10, 32], [11, 35],
[12, 30], [13, 40], [14, 42], [15, 47], [16, 44], [17, 48],
[18, 52], [19, 54], [20, 42], [21, 55], [22, 56], [23, 57],
[24, 60], [25, 50], [26, 52], [27, 51], [28, 49], [29, 53],
[30, 55], [31, 60], [32, 61], [33, 59], [34, 62], [35, 65],
[36, 62], [37, 58], [38, 55], [39, 61], [40, 64], [41, 65],
[42, 63], [43, 66], [44, 67], [45, 69], [46, 69], [47, 70],
[48, 72], [49, 68], [50, 66], [51, 65], [52, 67], [53, 70],
[54, 71], [55, 72], [56, 73], [57, 75], [58, 70], [59, 68],
[60, 64], [61, 60], [62, 65], [63, 67], [64, 68], [65, 69],
[66, 70], [67, 72], [68, 75], [69, 80]
var options = {
hAxis: {
title: 'Time'
vAxis: {
title: 'Popularity'
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
var vAxisMinMax = calcMinMax(data,1);
options.vAxis = {'viewWindow': {'min': vAxisMinMax.min, 'max': vAxisMinMax.max}};
chart.draw(data, options);
function calcMinMax(data, colIndex)
var totalMin = data.getValue(0,colIndex);
var totalMax = data.getValue(0,colIndex);
for(var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfRows();i++){
if ( data.getValue(i, colIndex) < totalMin ) {
totalMin = data.getValue(i, colIndex);
if ( data.getValue(i, colIndex) > totalMax ) {
totalMax = data.getValue(i, colIndex);
return {'min': totalMin, 'max': totalMax };