I\'m using jsTree and I need to convert this HTML tag tree code
to a PHP array.
The jsTree HTML tag will be passed to PHP to be parsed and
My problem I'm having a hard time parsing the string HTML tag and save it in a PHP array.
I suggest that you use an HTML parser, such as simplehtmldom. This will allow you to traverse over HTML DOM just the way you want.
Here is a quick and dirty UL walking script:
children as $li )
if ( $li->tag != "li" )
$arar = array( );
foreach( $li->children as $ulul )
if ( $ulul->tag != "ul" )
WalkUL( $ulul, $arar );
$ar[ $li->find( "a", 0 )->plaintext ] = $arar;
WalkUL( $DOM->find( "ul", 0 ), $ARR );
print_r( $ARR );
Its output, not exactly as you wanted it but close:
[Folder 1] => Array
[Child 1.1] => Array
[Folder 1.1] => Array
[Child 1.1.1] => Array
[Folder 1.2] => Array
[Child 1.2.1] => Array
[Child 1.2.2] => Array
[Folder 2] => Array
[Child 2.1] => Array
[Child 2.2] => Array
[Outer Child] => Array