I am running OLS on products by month. While this works fine for a single product, my dataframe contains many products. If I create a groupby object OLS gives an error.
Use get_group
to get each individual group and perform OLS model on each one:
for group in linear_regression_grouped.groups.keys():
df= linear_regression_grouped.get_group(group)
X = df['period_num']
y = df['TOTALS']
model = sm.OLS(y, X)
results = model.fit()
print results.summary()
But in real case, you also want to have the intercept term so the model should be defined slightly differently:
for group in linear_regression_grouped.groups.keys():
df= linear_regression_grouped.get_group(group)
X = df[['period_num','constant']]
y = df['TOTALS']
model = sm.OLS(y,X)
results = model.fit()
print results.summary()
The results (with intercept and without) are, certainly, very different.