I\'m implementing an application in .Net. I have to create a connection by SSH which is works, but the HL7 data receiving fails. The destination is a raspberry pi. So when I
After days of struggling I have solved the problem. The main error was with the port forwarding. I would reccomend to use SSH.Net by Renci (There was algorithm error with Tamir ssh). After ssh connection created I used this to port forward:
var port = new ForwardedPortLocal(localIP, localPort, "localhost", remotePort);
Check your localIP with ipconfig /all in cmd. Or use as a loopback IP. SimpleMLLPClient did not worked for me so I used the direct tcp client query way. Like this:
TcpClient ourTcpClient = new TcpClient();
ourTcpClient.Connect(localIP, (int)localPort);
NetworkStream networkStream = ourTcpClient.GetStream();
var sendMessageByteBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(testHl7MessageToTransmit.ToString());
if (networkStream.CanWrite)
networkStream.Write(sendMessageByteBuffer, 0, sendMessageByteBuffer.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Data was sent to server successfully....");
byte[] receiveMessageByteBuffer = new byte[ourTcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize];
var bytesReceivedFromServer = networkStream.Read(receiveMessageByteBuffer, 0, receiveMessageByteBuffer.Length);
if (bytesReceivedFromServer > 0 && networkStream.CanRead)
var message = receivedMessage.Replace("\0", string.Empty);
Console.WriteLine("Received message from server: {0}", message);
So it gave me instant answer with 0 bytes (not due timeout). And here comes Amit Joshi help. I used a query what he suggested with START_OF_BLOCK, CARRIAGE_RETURN and END_OF_BLOCK and finally started to work. Thank you Amit Joshi!
Additional info: In Android (java/Kotlin) jsch session setPortForwardingL works fine with three params:
val session = jsch.getSession("user", sshIP, sshPort)
// Avoid asking for key confirmation
val prop = Properties()
prop.setProperty("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no")
session.setPortForwardingL(localForwardPort, "localhost", remotePort)
val useTls = false
val context = DefaultHapiContext()
connection = context.newClient("localhost", localForwardPort, useTls)