Use browser sessionStorage to store the tab index,
something like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
var currentTabIndex = "0";
$tab = $("#tabs").tabs({
activate : function (e, ui) {
currentTabIndex = ui.newTab.index().toString();
sessionStorage.setItem('tab-index', currentTabIndex);
if (sessionStorage.getItem('tab-index') != null) {
currentTabIndex = sessionStorage.getItem('tab-index');
$tab.tabs('option', 'active', currentTabIndex);
$('#btn-sub').on('click', function () {
sessionStorage.setItem("tab-index", currentTabIndex);
//window.location = "/Home/Index/";
this will update the sessionStorage on changing the tab, try updating the tab by using your condition. I hope it helps.
here is the Demo for local storage
You can remove the sessionStorage by using sessionStorage.removeItem('tab-index');
is cleared automatically when the browser is closed.
It works in pretty much the same way as localStorage
here is the Demo for sessionStorage