I\'m trying to extract a specific information from different html pages. Basically the information is a 10 digits number which may have different forms such :
Here's a good starting point:
Note the non-capturing subpatterns (which look like (?:stuff)
). That makes formatting easy:
And some example results for you:
520-555-5542 :: MATCH
520.555.5542 :: MATCH
5205555542 :: MATCH
520 555 5542 :: MATCH
520) 555-5542 :: FAIL
(520 555-5542 :: FAIL
(520)555-5542 :: MATCH
(520) 555-5542 :: MATCH
(520) 555 5542 :: MATCH
520-555.5542 :: MATCH
520 555-0555 :: MATCH
(520)5555542 :: MATCH
520.555-4523 :: MATCH
19991114444 :: FAIL
19995554444 :: MATCH
514 555 1231 :: MATCH
1 555 555 5555 :: MATCH
1.555.555.5555 :: MATCH
1-555-555-5555 :: MATCH
520-555-5542 ext.123 :: MATCH
520.555.5542 EXT 123 :: MATCH
5205555542 Ext. 7712 :: MATCH
520 555 5542 ext 5 :: MATCH
520) 555-5542 :: FAIL
(520 555-5542 :: FAIL
(520)555-5542 ext .4 :: FAIL
(512) 555-1234 ext. 123 :: MATCH
1(555)555-5555 :: MATCH
You'll probably get a lot of false positives if you allow spaces and dashes like you're suggesting.