If you have the old App, then you can recreate the model from the compiled model file which is contained in the App bundle:
- Sync the App to iTunes, if necessary.
- Ctrl-Click on the App in iTunes, and use "Show in Finder" to locate the "YourApp.ipa" file.
- Copy "YourApp.ipa" to a temporary directory, and use "unzip YourApp.ipa" on the command line to extract the archive.
- In the extracted "Payload/YourApp.app" folder there should be a "XXX.momd" folder containing a file "XXX.mom" (XXX is the name of the model). This is the compiled model file.
- In your Xcode project (or a temporary project), create a new "Data Model" file "XXX.xcdatamodeld".
- Select this file and choose "Editor -> Import ..." from the menu.
- In the import dialog, choose the "XXX.mom" file from above.