My goal is to use the periodic table of elements (or a list) to get information about a specific element in Java. I want to search it by atomic number and symbol (but that c
An enum seems a good option:
public enum Element {
H(1, "Hydrogen", 1.008, -259.1),
He(2, "Helium", 4.003, -272.2),
Li(3, "Lithium", 6.941, 180.5),
// ... 90+ others
private static class Holder {
static Map map = new HashMap();
private final int atomicNumber;
private final String fullName;
private final double atomicMass;
private final double meltingPoint;
private Element(int atomicNumber, String fullName, double atomicMass, double meltingPoint) {
this.atomicNumber = atomicNumber;
this.fullName = fullName;
this.atomicMass = atomicMass;
this.meltingPoint = meltingPoint;, this);
public static Element forAtomicNumber(int atomicNumber) {
public int getAtomicNumber() {
return atomicNumber;
public String getFullName() {
return fullName;
public double getAtomicMass() {
return atomicMass;
public double getMeltingPoint() {
return meltingPoint;
There's a bit of java kung fu going on here that deserves an explanation. The map is put inside a static inner (holder) class so it gets initialized before the enum instances are initialized, that way they can add themselves to it. If not in the inner static class, it would not be initialize, because the first thing initialized in the enum class must be the instances, but static inner classes are initialized before the class is initialized.
This approach means the the instances don't need to be listed in any particular order (they could be alphabetical listed, or otherwise).