I have a classic ASP site, that I am slowly upgrading. I would like to create a function to securely update a SQL database without specifying parameters man
you need to do something like this....needs more coding obviously....
static void Main(string[] args)
var values = new Dictionary( );
values.Add( "name", "timmerz" );
values.Add( "dob", DateTime.Now );
values.Add( "sex", "m" );
SqlUpdate( "sometable", values );
public static void SqlUpdate( string table, Dictionary values, string where )
var equals = new List( );
var parameters = new List( );
var i = 0;
foreach( var item in values )
var pn = "@sp" + i.ToString( );
equals.Add( string.Format( "{0}={1}", item.Key, pn ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( pn, item.Value ) );
string command = string.Format( "update {0} set {1} where {2}", table, string.Join( ", ", equals.ToArray( ) ), where );
var sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(command);
sqlcommand.Parameters.AddRange(parameters.ToArray( ) );
sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery( );