I am stuck in making images inside background of a class responsive.The website url .
It would be very helpful if you could help me out i am using bootstrap and nivo
i found the answer.It was posted to me by a user.So I'm sharing it if anyone else gets into any trouble:
"So to not have all the things in the comments I post an answer.
The "problem" on screen-/ viewport widths of 380px and below has several issues.
On your outer and remove the width setting ( By doing so you have then fixed the position and size of the container (and also the background image). So you still need to adjust the image sizes (probably in your slider script, or wherever the image's dimensions come from)."slider-wrapper3
(it's the one which holds the iPhone as background image) you should use the following in your CSS:
.slider-wrapper3 {
background-size: contain; /* you use cover */
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* keep the rest of your actual code */
width: 310px;
) at least for your small screen layout!