I have forgot password page, where the user enters the username and clicks the \'Validate\' button to check which group he is in. Based on the group we need to display the d
This is how we need to do. We can't pass the model, we can only pass the parameters in the redirection of a link. And we must use link.replace as you can pass the variables directly into the Url.Action
person = {UserName: $("#UserName").val(), Phone: $("#Phone").val() }
type: 'POST',
url: '@Url.Action("ForgotPassword", "Customer")',
data: person,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
//This is the place I need help
var link = "@Url.Action("Actionname", "Controllername", new { username = "1", phone ="2" })";
link = link.replace("1", data.username);
link = link.replace("2", data.phone);
window.location.href= link ;
//Show an error message without hiding the div
failure: function () {