JavaScript is a render blocking resource. So when browser is parsing HTML document and encounters script in between, the control is passed to js engine. Which runs the script and returns the control to browser again.
So when broswer encounters the script tag in header, it passes the control to js engine. Now beacuse the script is being loaded from network, js engine will wait for script to load. After that it will be executed. Then document parsing will resume. (Inline script in head would have worked faster as network delay would be avoided)
Same goes for inline script. Situation gets complex if CSS is also present along with javascript. If a CSS is also being loaded from network in the head, js engines will wait for it too. So there are 2 dependencies now.
So it is best to add js at the bottom and CSS at top generally (to avoid Flash of Unstyled Content).
A good read for the same is present here :
Critical Rendering Path