Using jQuery I would like to loop through an array of links and load the contents of each link into a DIV after a set interval. For example, if I have my parent page \"paren
This will do what you want.
You can view a working demo here. It only loads each link once, then caches the result. Subsequent iterations simply pull from the cache.
var curIdx = 0,
urls = $.map($("#links a"),function(el){ return $(el).attr('href') }),
cache = {};
function nextPage(){
var url = urls[curIdx],
data = cache[url];
curIdx += 1; if(curIdx == urls.length) curIdx = 0;
$("#content").load(url, function(data){
cache[url] = data;
} else {
function nextTimer(){
window.setTimeout(function(){ nextPage() }, 3000); // 3 Seconds