I\'m fiddling around with PouchDB at the moment. I use it as a way to store data locally without it being linked to CouchDB. What I\'ve been trying to do is to create a reve
Try one of the options - this it's from pouchdb docs:
db.get(docId, [options], [callback])
Retrieves a document, specified by docId.
Options All options default to false unless otherwise specified.
options.rev: Fetch specific revision of a document. Defaults to winning revision (see the CouchDB guide).
options.revs: Include revision history of the document.
options.revs_info: Include a list of revisions of the document, and their availability.
options.open_revs: Fetch all leaf revisions if open_revs="all" or fetch all leaf revisions specified in open_revs array. Leaves will be returned in the same order as specified in input array.