Hi there I am new to Swift, I am trying to save Longitude and Latitude and place name from map\'s coordinate object to an Multidimensional array i.e:
Can anyone plea
Solution using an enum for Lat/Lon/Place (as you don't show us what these are):
enum Pos {
case Lat
case Lon
case Place
static let allPositions = [Lat, Lon, Place]
var myMatrix = [[Pos:Any]]()
myMatrix.append([.Lat: 51.130231, .Lon: -0.189201, .Place: "Home"])
myMatrix.append([.Lat: 52.130231, .Lon: -1.189201, .Place: "Office"])
myMatrix.append([.Lat: 42.131331, .Lon: -1.119201, .Place: "Dinner"])
/* check */
for (i,vector) in myMatrix.enumerate() {
for pos in Pos.allPositions {
print("myMatrix[\(i)][\(pos)] = \(vector[pos] ?? "")")
myMatrix[0][Lat] = 51.130231
myMatrix[0][Lon] = -0.189201
myMatrix[0][Place] = Home
myMatrix[1][Lat] = 52.130231
myMatrix[1][Lon] = -1.189201
myMatrix[1][Place] = Office
myMatrix[2][Lat] = 42.131331
myMatrix[2][Lon] = -1.119201
myMatrix[2][Place] = Dinner */