I\'m using the camel kafka component and I\'m unclear what is happening under the hood with committing the offsets. As can be seen below, I\'m aggregating records and I thin
You can control manual offset commit even in multi threaded route (using aggregator for exemple) by using offset repository (Camel Documentation)
public void configure() throws Exception {
// The route
// Some processors...
// Commit kafka offset
// Continue or not...
private String kafkaEndpoint() {
return new StringBuilder("kafka:")
@Bean(name = "fileStore", initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop")
private FileStateRepository fileStore() {
FileStateRepository fileStateRepository =
FileStateRepository.fileStateRepository(new File(kafkaConfiguration.getOffsetFilePath()));
fileStateRepository.setMaxFileStoreSize(10485760); // 10MB max
return fileStateRepository;
private static void commitKafka(Exchange exchange) {
KafkaManualCommit manual = exchange.getIn().getHeader(KafkaConstants.MANUAL_COMMIT, KafkaManualCommit.class);