Using python 2.6.5 and facebook-sdk 0.3.2 this:
import facebook
api = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
api.fql({\'example\':u\"SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = m
It's based on how the libraries handles the queries. Queries to Facebook all end up needing to be URL encoded.
So, digging through the source
api.fql({'example':"SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()"})
ends up as
Which matches properly as
queries={'example': 'SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()'}
where as
api.fql({'example':u"SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()"})
ends up as
Notice that no handling of u
for the unicode part was done before sending to urlencode in the library., returns no response to this but if you did the same at the endpoint you will notice
(#601) Parser error: unexpected '{' at position 0."
Basically, it chokes on your query.
Try dealing with your Unicode before sending off for Url Encoding