I´m trying to deploy a Spring boot application on Jboss. I follow this tutorial for convert my jar in to a war file. But when i try to run the application on Jboss it´s give
The main issue with deploying spring-boot is explained here
The post is a bit old by now and does not apply to the current spring-boot (1.3.3 as of this writing).
What is happening in your case is that some filter in spring-boot actuator do not have default constructors which JBoss will try to call so to get around this you need to do the following (This is for current spring-boot 1.3.3):
Create an ApplicationContext which will wrap all bean filters in a delegating class which has a default constructor. We can use spring's DelegatingFilterProxy for that
public class JBossWebApplicationContext extends AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
protected Collection getServletContextInitializerBeans() {
Collection servletContextInitializerBeans = super.getServletContextInitializerBeans();
for (ServletContextInitializer servletContextInitializerBean : servletContextInitializerBeans) {
if (servletContextInitializerBean instanceof FilterRegistrationBean) {
FilterRegistrationBean frb = (FilterRegistrationBean) servletContextInitializerBean;
try {
Field field = FilterRegistrationBean.class.getDeclaredField("filter");
Filter origFilter = (Filter) field.get(frb);
frb.setFilter(new DelegatingFilterProxy(origFilter));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new BeanCreationException("Error setting up bean. It does not have a filter field", e);
return servletContextInitializerBeans;
Then in your springboot main class make sure to use the context we created above:
public class MyApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return super.configure(application);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class);
Lastly you need to make sure your servlet path is configured to be "/*" since JBoss 7.1 does not seem to work with only the default (/). This can be configured in your application.yml (or application.properties)
servletPath: /*
This should allow you to deploy a springBoot application in JBoss 7.1 (Tested myself on 7.1.3)
Some extra points: