Can anyone explain/comment on this fraction of Groovy code?
task copyImageFolders(type: Copy) {
from(\'images\') {
include \'*.jpg\'
It's Syntactic Sugar, to make things easier to read (very useful for Gradle configuration)
In this case it's all about parentheses.
When a closure is the last parameter of a method call, like when using Groovy’s each{} iteration mechanism, you can put the closure outside the closing parentheses, and even omit the parentheses:
list.each( { println it } )
list.each(){ println it }
list.each { println it }
In your case, everything below is working fine :
from('images', {
include '*.jpg'
into 'jpeg'
from('images') {
include '*.gif'
into 'gif'
from 'images', {
include '*.gif'
into 'gif'