I don\'t think that this is doable, but wanted to throw it out to the community to confirm my suspicions.
Let\'s say you\'re writing a program in another language
If you are comfortable with the security exposure, you could call eval()
on the code in question to detect syntax errors.
function say(x) { ... emit message in some way.... }
var scriptlets = [
"foof1 = function(a) {if (a == 7) { return \"A-OK\"; } } ",
"foof2 = function (a) {if argle bargle seventy 7, then this isn't going to work}"
function verifyScriptlet(n) {
var s = scriptlets[n];
try {
var x = eval(s);
say("verified #"+ n +", result: " + (typeof x));
catch (exc1)
say("Exception while verifying #"+ n +": " + exc1.message);