How to make simple Membership provider from empty web application template in ASP.NET MVC4
I searched a lot on google, bing and many others, but I din\'t get positiv
I followed these steps:
So before starting I am assuming you have setup your database models including a users model which we will use for simple membership. Go ahead and add a "username" column and an "id" column (if you don't already have one) in the model and create the database. Remember already having a database is necessary if you want to use simple membership with your existing user's table. Simple membership will add it's table to your existing database.
1.Install Webmatrix.webdata and from Nuget Packet manager.
2.In your web.config enable simple membership by
in appsettings
3.Next step is to define profile, role and membership providers in system.web by
4.Next step is to connect your user table with simple membership. Now the Internet Application Template which is being provided by default uses a filter but we're going to skip it. We're going to directly initialize simple membership in global.asax by
if (!WebSecurity.Initialized)
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("YOUR_DB_CONTEXT", "USER_TABLE", "ID_COLUMN", "USERNAME_COLUMN", true);
And you are done with the setup.
Now to actually create users, there are two options, Create User and Account and Create Account only. How the create user and account works is that it will you will provide the user's information and it will create a user in your user table and then create a membership account. I personally use the latter, which means I create the users separately, and then create a membership account for that user using