{ firstName: \"Foo\", lastName: \"Bar\" },
{ firstName: \"John\", lastName: \"Doe\" }
How can I have this kind of structu
Are you sure you really want a dictionary within an array? The code you've given indicates more an array with named columns, which can be achieved using something like the following:
struct Name {
var firstName : String
var lastName : String
var persons1 : Array = [
Name(firstName: "Foo", lastName: "Bar"),
Name(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe")
persons1[0].firstName // "Foo"
var persons2 : Array<(firstName: String, lastName:String)> = [
(firstName: "Mary", lastName: "Mean"),
(firstName: "Foo", lastName: "Bar"),
(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe")
persons2[1].firstName // "Bar"
These are proper arrays and adressed as such using subscripts. The dictionary type is usually a combination of key and value, i.e. nickname as key, and name as value.
var nickNames : [String:String] = [
"mame" : "Mary Mean",
"foba" : "Foo Bar",
"jodo" : "John Doe"]
nickNames["mame"]! // "Mary Mean"
And here we lookup on the key value, and get an optional value in return, which I forcefully unwrapped...
All of these can be appended rather easily, but do note that the named tuple variant, persons2
, is not following recommended practice. Also note that the Array of Dictionaries allow for inclusion on different keys as suggested in my last injection.
persons1.append( Name(firstName: "Some", lastName: "Guy") )
persons2.append( firstName: "Another", lastName: "Girl" )
nickNames["anna"] = "Ann Nabel"
// Array of Dictionaries
var persons : [[String:String]] = [
[ "firstName" : "Firstly", "lastName" : "Lastly"],
[ "firstName" : "Donald", "lastName" : "Duck"]
persons.append( ["firstName" : "Georg", "middleName" : "Friedrich", "lastName" : "Händel"] )