We are looking for fastest template engine for rendering of views.
As i understand erubis is the fastest template engine in ruby.
My usecase is render templa
I ran benchmark between ERB and erubis rendering with below code snippet.
erubis_render_time = Benchmark.realtime {
template_content = File.read("#{Rails.root}/app/views/web/email_templates/erubis_benchmark_test.erb")
1000.times do |j|
email_body = Erubis::Eruby.new(template_content).result({welcome_mail_cta: "Shop Now", welcome_mail_string: "Welcome. Your account is activated"})
template_path = "/web/email_templates/benchmark_test"
erb_render_time = Benchmark.realtime {
1000.times do |j|
email_body = ActionController::Base.new.send(:render_to_string,
:template => template_path,
:layout => false,
:locals => {:data => {welcome_mail_cta: "Shop Now",
welcome_mail_string: "Welcome. Your account is activated"
As per above benchmark suite Erubis is 10-15 times faster then ERB rendering.