I am using https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client and I want to send a test email with a user\'s authorized gmail account.
This is what I have so far: >
I asked a more specific question which has led me to an answer. I am now using PHPMailer to build the message. I then extract the raw message from the PHPMailer object. Example:
require_once 'class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
$subject = "my subject";
$msg = "hey there!";
$from = "myemail@gmail.com";
$fname = "my name";
$mail->From = $from;
$mail->FromName = $fname;
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $msg;
$mime = $mail->getSentMIMEMessage();
$m = new Google_Service_Gmail_Message();
$data = base64_encode($mime);
$data = str_replace(array('+','/','='),array('-','_',''),$data); // url safe
$service->users_messages->send('me', $m);