Basically every time I run my java code from eclipse, webdriver launches a new ie browser and executes my tests successfully for the most part. However, I have a lot of test
Actually you can re-use the same session again..
In node client you can use following code to attach to existing selenium session
var browser = wd.remote('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub');
browser.attach('df606fdd-f4b7-4651-aaba-fe37a39c86e3', function(err, capabilities) {
// The 'capabilities' object as returned by sessionCapabilities
if (err) { /* that session doesn't exist */ }
else {
browser.elementByCss("button.groovy-button", function(err, el) {
To get selenium session id,
Note: This is available in Node Client only.. To do the same thing in JAVA or C#, you have to override execute method of selenium to capture the sessionId and save it in local file and read it again to attach with existing selenium session